The Denton Police Department SWAT Team will conduct a 60-hour Basic SWAT School in Denton, TX. The course will be taught by members of the Denton Police Department SWAT Team and Hostage Negotiations Unit. This class will provide students with the basic understanding of SWAT tactics and procedures.
This will meet the TCOLE requirements for Basic SWAT certification.
This class will focus on the basic concepts of SWAT operations, to include:
- History and philosophy
- liability issues
- operational planning and deployment
- team movements
- tactical firearms
- chemical agents
- less lethal munitions
- diversionary devices
- hostage operations
- high risk warrant service
- barricaded persons
- tactical field care.
Equipment: All tactical related equipment to include, but not limited to, the following:
- Mandatory equipment:
- body armor (either soft body armor and a load bearing vest, or a Tactical entry vest with pouches)
- web gear
- ballistic helmet
- BDU’s
- eye and ear protection
- light sources
- zeroed/sighted primary and secondary weapons systems (shoulder fired weapon, preferably AR-15 style rifle, and handgun), 500 rounds for long gun, 200 rounds for pistol, NO ARMOR PIERCING ammunition. Each student must have their own weapons, no sharing of weapons.
- Optional equipment:
- gas mask
- Simunition equipment
- knee / elbow pads